Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gender+Science in toys: yay Lego!

I loved Legos when I was young. I'm a little critical of the fact that now everything is very expensive kits that seem more like model building (without the painting and gluing) than they are creative construction. I don't think they are all bad - I had some sort of undersea explorer kit that I build once and then combined with all of my other blocks.

Of course, there are Legos for girls. This is problematic when it send the message that girls can only play with things that are pink and cute (though many plain kits are labeled "for girls"). However, for families that are already in that mentality, it at least provides a more creative play opportunity than most of the "girl toys" out there.

So mega-points for Lego for introducing Olivia's Invention Workshop. It is an affordable accessory that is marketed towards girls with a focus on science/engineering. Microscope! Tools! Table vice! Maybe the kids playing with this will decide the next robot Olivia makes will be a giant Gundam. I would approve!