After lunch today (again, delicious Indian-style food) we had a tour of the labs and the teaching rooms. They have 2 computer labs, outfitting with a number of computers. I'm a bit hesitant to try to do computer-based labs (such as PhETS), since the internet and power aren't guaranteed here. We've already lost power once today. While they do have generators, I'm sure they'd rather not be running 20 computers with them.
They have more equipment than I expected, but it is a bit eclectic. There are plenty of meter sticks, spring scales, and marbles. I will go back over later today to explore more and look for some particular things. I have my first lab written (triangles and ratios) and passed on to the translator; I'll have the second lab (circles) written soon. I don't have a good plan for the 3rd lab yet, so I need the equipment to help me brainstorm.
The classrooms are on the 3rd floor - and I think the "ground" flood that we start on is technically floor 0. Quite some stairs! There is an elevator, but our previous attempt to use it hadn't worked. It turns out that the elevator is specifically for the Dalai Lama, when he visits, since his quarters are in the top floor of this building.
The building I am teaching in, taken from the roof patio. |
The left corner is where the Dalai Lama stays, when he is here. Sadly, he won't be here while I am. |
Another gorgeous building, off in the distance. There are a number of different monastic colleges here. |
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