Gomang is the monastery across the street from where I am teaching. I don't fully understand the system here, but it seems like there are always two monasteries that are together. I'm at Drepung, which consists of Drepung Gomang and Drepung Loseling (I think). I'm teaching in the Loseling building. Many of the monks in my class are from Gomang. In addition to their monastery, monks also have a specific house they are from.
Gomang was decorated with many garlands. There is a major holiday tomorrow, so the monasteries are extra decorated. At Loseling they have hung lights outside. I hope to see them lit up tonight or tomorrow morning.
Gomang is slightly smaller than Loseling. |
All of the pillars and support structures are beautifully painted, in the Tibetan style. |
Doorways, when not in use, and hung with these types of cloths. Tibetans seem to place emphasis on everything being beautiful. |
I think the garlands are for tomorrow's holiday. |
Another beautiful shrine. Some of the figures represent different deities, Buddha, and different scholars. |
Even the ground is decorated. Also, the monastery floors are incredibly beautiful marble. The building in the background is "my" monastery, Loseling. |
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